Amanda and her team are very professional and super efficient, making sure that we get what we want and arrive safely. She has provided me a first class service together with my first class tickets an
The efficiency with which Just Fly Business seek out the best deals is always impressive, nothing is too much trouble, with superb follow up and a rapid response they are the go to solution for execut
Just fly business were great and our flight with Egyptair was very comfortable. We hadn't realised that Egyptair don't serve alcohol so we're a bit disappointed as we'd been looking forward to a glass
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Just Fly Business
Just Fly Business
9 years ago
Firstly I would like apologize for the inconvenience caused to your flight as a result of your suitcases not being loaded at Cairo. I am extremely sorry that both yourself and Andrew endured this wait at airport with no help.
Egypt Air are a dry airline and they do not serve any alcoholic drinks unfortunately.
I will now call Egypt Air to ensure that the return journey is as hassle free as possible & I look forward to hearing from you upon your return.
Should you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you a safe and pleasant return flight.
Best wishes,
Just Fly Business
0208 417 1366
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