Independent reviews of Somxl ® Genital Wart Remover
ratings over the past year
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A OConnor
5 years ago
Date of purchase: 12/03/2019
What A OConnor said about Clinical Strength Somxl:
Ive had recurring hpv warts for 5 years. I used to get them burnt off every 3 months so I thought I would try something else in hope ! well this stuff did get rid of them just not sure yet if they wi
This cream is great for **** warts also, I saw a lot of people say its good for ******* warts and wanted others to know its also good for other wart problems. Thanks for a great product.
I wondered if internet product would work for a problem as severe as ******* warts, it seems that they can so I wanted to let you know that it did and thank you very much for helping me.
Somxl ® Treatment formula will help remove your genital warts from your skin, painlessly and privately without the painful side effects. Take control with Somxl ®
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
Somxl ® Treatment formula will help remove your genital warts from your skin, painlessly and privately without the painful side effects. Take control with Somxl ®