Ordered cat food the web site said 24 to 48 hour delivery after a couple of day no notification of delivery and no cat food. I emailed them but had no response. I had to buy some other brand of food a
My cats really like this food and seem to be doing well on it - I've struggled to find a grain-free food that agrees with their guts. Order arrived promptly, seems to be good value compared to other s
Our fussy cat loves the food, and it is the only make she has maintained any interest in for more than a month, but the unreliable supply chain and increased incidences of blown, gone off, packets mea
Well, I was really happy with purr and meow and switched my kitty to it for his diet. But then I got some sachets that smelled really bad and a few with only liquid in them and no meat and I lost my
I’ve subscribed to receive this monthly and the money was taken but we didn’t receive it. They said they are out of stock so it’s basically a completely unreliable subscription.
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