What Terry C. said about Johan Nélson Fine Art Advisory:
I've been working with Johan Nelson for a few years now and have invested into a few pieces of artwork. Since I started working with Gio more attention has been focused on my portfolio. He has part
What Chase Walker said about Johan Nélson Fine Art Advisory:
All I have is high praises for the team at Johan Nelson. They have been very professional and so supportive throughout my Journey of Art collecting. I started investing in Art 2 years ago and with the
What Arif Sayani said about Johan Nélson Fine Art Advisory:
Purchased a Banksy from Johan nelson, which I then asked them to sell on 15 months later, made a 35% profit on the art piece, so very pleased with the sale. Both purchase and resell transactions went
What Richard Barber said about Johan Nélson Fine Art Advisory:
Upon deciding that I’d like to invest some funds into contemporary art, I came across Johan Nélson, after speaking with Gio, it become abundantly clear that they were the right people for me, personab
I have been working with Gio at Johan Nélson, who is clearly a young and driven director with an attempt to bring Saudi culture and Middle Eastern artists to the United Kingdom. I am really happy with
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.