The entire process was stress free. Hyundai managed the entire claims process without any trouble. The Hyundai repair shop was not aware of the excess claim vouchers which had to be claimed later. The
What Christopher said about Hyundai Insurance & Accident Aftercare:
The administration was efficient and prompt. All was done correctly - although I was fortunate to have had a witness to the incident whose evidence proved crucial. Once the go ahead for repair was g
What Margaret said about Hyundai Insurance & Accident Aftercare:
From start to finish my insurance the claim was delt with quickly. And the repair was done to a very high standard. The two ladies at the garage were very polite .and put our minds at ease
What Anthony said about Hyundai Insurance & Accident Aftercare:
The service I received was fantastic. From my initial call I was treated with respect. Everyone contacted me when they said they would.
The repair company C&D Services were brilliant and very helpful
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