What Mrs Snowdon said about Simply Equity Release:
Tricky to navigate as I'm not financially minded. I needed help and support from a friend. A lot of unnecessary angst wast created at the end of the transaction, when no one was able to give me the
I was contacted all the way through the proceedings so that I knew exactly where I stood.
The representative who called at my house was very knowledgeable and explained all my options . I did not
What Mrs Templey said about Simply Equity Release:
I was given expert advice all the way through the process. Always kept informed how my plan was progressing and could contact my financial advisor quickly if I had any concerns or questions. Would rec
My contacts were brilliant, they gave me the confidence to know that I was making the right decision in releasing some equity to help my family.
I would recommend any person in the same situation to c
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.