I got a call about 530pm on a Friday night and was really tired after the week and didn't really want to talk. But by the time the call had finished I was re-energised and I had saved money on health
I didn't just save money on my health insurance, I has expert guidance on what was the right health insurance that really helped me understand what I needed.
I originally went to the website to get some quotes. I then received a call from one of your staff who helped me Na igate the pros and cons of my needs to eventually narrow it down to a potential poli
I was told there is no difference if I applied through you or directly with insurer but the insurer had a promo which wasn't applied. I cannot get 6 weeks free and my waiting periods cannot be waived.
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.