I just got a call after hearing my case manager no longer works there and spoke to the dept head who was incredibly rude and pretty much refused to listen to quick to get you on a Iva and then bad ser
I can’t thank Abbotts Insolvency enough. They really have turned my life around. Every member of the team who i spoke to were amazing. Talking about debt can seem embarrassing and shameful but from t
What Judit Szokolai said about Abbotts Insolvency:
I was almost dressed because of the debts. I felt overwhelmed, I couldn’t take more working hours to pay off everything. They were so helpful and supportive. They found the best solution for my situat
I had a excellent experience with this company, very helpful from the start. They keep you updated throughout the whole process and made things a lot easier to understand. The advisers are very friend
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