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Leaflet.js Essentials














ions au cours de la dernière année

Incorporate Tile Layers and Web Mapping Services into your map Write custom functions that use events to make interactive maps Add GeoJSON data to a web map Create your own images to use as markers on your map Build desktop applications using C# Make heatmaps and chloropleth maps Take advantage of thirdparty plugins to enhance your map

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Afficher les 2 commentaires
6 years ago
Leaflet.js Essentials
This volume is useful for a beginner, but 1) the download code was missing some files, 2) the code in the book's text has typos, and 3) this was written for Leaflet 0.7x, so parts of it are now deprec
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Sonal Shetty
Packt Publishing
6 years ago
Hi Chris, thanks for the brief feedback-  we really appreciate it. We've pass it on to the editorial team to get it sorted. We hope the token added has helped you select the eBook of your choice.
Date de l'achat : 26/05/2017
8 years ago
Leaflet.js Essentials
The content of this book is quite disappointing. In any website can be found better content, more complete and better explained. This book is basically limited to provide some examples (many of them e
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Packt Publishing
8 years ago
Hi Juan, We appreciate your feedback and thank you for giving us an opportunity to correct the problem and to meet your expectations. We found that that one of our customer relation executive had contacted you on 21st October 2015 using reference number 125712. We are awaiting response from the author to validate the erratum raised by you. We will get back to you on this as soon as we get any update from the author. If you need any assistance for your order/book from Packt, please contact us at and we would be glad to assist you further. Regards Packt Publishing
Date de l'achat : 26/10/2015
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Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt's mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and information services to IT professionals. Working towards that vision, we have published over 7000 books and videos so far, providing IT professionals with the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done - whether that's specific learning on an emerging technology or optimizing key skills in more established tools. As part of our mission, we have also awarded over $1,000,000 through our Open Source Project Royalty scheme, helping numerous projects become household names along the way.
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À propos de Packt Publishing
Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt's mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and information services to IT professionals. Working towards that vision, we have published over 7000 books and videos so far, providing IT professionals with the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done - whether that's specific learning on an emerging technology or optimizing key skills in more established tools. As part of our mission, we have also awarded over $1,000,000 through our Open Source Project Royalty scheme, helping numerous projects become household names along the way.