Insperity provided exceptional service and provided a step by step learning experience on how we can use their services. They work with you as a true partner
I thought the Services provided were excellent and highly recommended. The team took the time to explain the process each step of the way while staying attached.
Very helpful, documents shared were very helpful through out the process. Wes was outstanding during the negotiation process and never exhibited any biases towards a single company.
What Calvary Baptist Church said about PEO Companies:
They were a life saver as I began this journey looking for a new PEO. I had no idea where to begin and stumbled into their site. Wes connected us to just a few companies that would work with our churc
What Westmed Family Healthcare said about PEO Companies:
PEO Analysis was the perfect partner in my search for a PEO. Wes gave me 5 quality PEOs to choose from. I did not have to do any research. PEO analysis did all the work for me. Awesome experience.
Only 1 company came back with a proposal- the other 2 that were recommended were completely unqualified. They wasted my time. Collin at Resource was seriously the only 1 qualified and professional.
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.