Dogs also love this but doesn't slide out of the pack in the same way as the chicken does, as it has a rougher texture, which is a bit more prone to breaking up. Minor details.
Naturediet are proud to be the first UK dog food manufacturer to specialise in recyclable cartons as an alternative to plastic trays, pouches and cans. Made in Norfolk with British produce, the limited ingredient, 100% natural recipes are gluten free, nutritious, wholesome, balanced and complete.
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
Naturediet are proud to be the first UK dog food manufacturer to specialise in recyclable cartons as an alternative to plastic trays, pouches and cans. Made in Norfolk with British produce, the limited ingredient, 100% natural recipes are gluten free, nutritious, wholesome, balanced and complete.