Would recommend. Good price compared to my renewal and new policy covered everything we wanted and more. Policies sent through very promptly and one alteration made very quickly. Very good service.
Explicit and fully detailed, documentation also came through by post, as at time of taking out cover, I was experiencing internet connection problems and unable to use printer. Much appreciative of th
Lifesure is a specialist insurance broker that provides a range of leisure and everyday insurance policies covering: park homes, caravans, leisure homes, motorhomes, cars, and home insurance.
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Only customers with proof of purchase can leave a Feefo review. We ensure this by reaching out to buyers straight after their transaction.
We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
Lifesure is a specialist insurance broker that provides a range of leisure and everyday insurance policies covering: park homes, caravans, leisure homes, motorhomes, cars, and home insurance.