Well made but it is missing the carrying strap for over the shoulder use but not worth the cost of sending back
3 months ago
Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately this item doesn't come with a shoulder strap, just the carry handle at the top. If you need any further help please get in touch, and we look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Chums has been offering its customers quality fashion, homeware and lifestyle products for over 35 years. Stocking a range of fashion brands including Farah, Regatta, Double Two and Pegasus, as well as homeware brands such as Silent Night, Christy and Belledorm, Chums are committed to delivering the best service and quality possible at an affordable price.
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
Chums has been offering its customers quality fashion, homeware and lifestyle products for over 35 years. Stocking a range of fashion brands including Farah, Regatta, Double Two and Pegasus, as well as homeware brands such as Silent Night, Christy and Belledorm, Chums are committed to delivering the best service and quality possible at an affordable price.