The trip was well planned and we had no issues. Our driver/game spotter Anthony was the best! Having a small group made the visit super enjoyable! For the price it was an incredible trip!
My birthday vacation. We went outside Dubia to visit the tallest building in the world. We had lunch in a mall (only shopping). The highlight was sneaking into the Anabel Palace where Mission Impossib
Overall, it was an excellent, wonderful and extraordinary traveling experience. This trip was my 3rd. time visiting Italy and I had the chance to visit the places that I couldn't visit before. All t
Excellent work done by all the staff to handle bookings for each person. Always a pleasure to work with such dedicated employees who consistently go above and beyond with customer service.
There were a few hiccups with our transfer from Japan to Singapore. There was also an issue with our welcome dinner instigators. There was no record of a dinner for us.
Harry Van Pelt was the agent
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