Толстовка очень нежная и мягкая, приятная к телу. надежная молния. Эта вещь - отличный комби-партнер, хороша и с юбками, и с джинсами, для прогулок то,что надо.
Очень тонкая выделка, шерсть не скатывается. Не растягивается. Тепленькая. Размер М подошел хорошо, сидит свободно (ОГ 98 см).
Хотелось бы больше разных нежных пастельных расцветок - я бы еще голубую
We independently collect feedback on behalf of the businesses that work with us. Our platform only reaches out to verified buyers, so you can be sure you’re reading reviews from real customers.
Only customers with proof of purchase can leave a Feefo review. We ensure this by reaching out to buyers straight after their transaction.
We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.