Haven't actually opened yet, as I am waiting for my builder to build me a roof! It is velux windows - a standard product, so I am sure they will be fine. And if not, I am sure any issues will be quick
Considering these box lintels are meant to be new they are in a really bad condition with scratches, paint chips, stickers half ripped off. I've paid £400 for these lintels and when I'm buying new I e
Condell Ltd is a builder’s merchant and timber merchant based in Sutton, Surrey and offering a nationwide service for any project from the smallest DIY job to commercial developments.
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We verify that reviews are from genuine customers by matching them to a sale or transaction. People are only invited to leave a review after purchasing from the business.
Condell Ltd is a builder’s merchant and timber merchant based in Sutton, Surrey and offering a nationwide service for any project from the smallest DIY job to commercial developments.